Supply of Materials & Labor for the repair & improvement of (ICTS/GIS) rooms
Posted Date: 1/24/2011

Project Title : Supply of Materials & Labor for the repair & improvements of ICTS/GIS room
Subject : Scope of Work


  1. Unless otherwise specified, the work covered by this section consists of furnishing all materials, tools, equipment, labor, scaffolding, ladders, methods, and other incidentals necessary for the satisfactory completion of the ceiling works.

  2. Metal furrings(0.4) with appropriate carrying channels, wall angles and clips shall be used as
    frames spaced @ 0.60 mts. both ways. Metal furrings or 10 mm. dia. round bars can also be used
    as hangers spaced at least 1.20 mts. both ways.

  3. 12 mm gypsum boards shall be used as ceiling boards anchored to the metal furring frames with
    no. 1 black screws.

  4. Ceiling shall be provided with 1x4 cornice all around.

  5. Air conditioning lines/pipes, located between the roof and ceiling shall be provided with
    anchors and should not be allowed to be laid on the gypsum board as its weight might damage
    the ceiling.


  1. The works consist of furnishing of all materials and labor, tools, and equipment and all necessary services to complete the electrical works ready for operation as shown in the drawings and specifications.

  2. 1x40 Luminaire(recessed type) and 4” dia. aluminum pin lights w/ 18w compact fluorescent lamps(CFL) shall be used as shown in the accompanying plan unless otherwise specified.

  3. Electrical lines must be properly tapped at the switches and outlets.


  1. The works covered include the complete supplies, other accessories and installations work as specified herein.

  2. ½” thick glass shall be used on frameless doors.

  3. ¼” thick glass shall be used on framed doors and windows.

  4. Analoc materials to be used specially on doors and sliding windows must be heavy duty.

  5. Provide heavy duty rollers on the sliding glass door to be repaired (Preferably Faultless hydraulic door closer and Brothers Analoc or equivalent).


  1. The work covered by this section consists of furnishing all items, articles, materials, tools,
    equipment, labor, scaffolding, ladders, methods, and other incidentals necessary and required
    for the satisfactory completion of the work. It covers complete painting and finishing works for
    the ceiling of the office.

  2. All materials shall be applied under adequate illumination, evenly spread and smoothly flowed on without runs or sags.

  3. Paint shall be thoroughly brushed or rolled on so as to form a film of even thickness. The use of heavy brush and durable rollers is required. Paint shall be thoroughly stirred so as to keep pigment evenly in suspension while the paint is being applied.

  4. Except where otherwise specified, all paints shall be applied in three (3) coats (priming, body and finish). Each coat shall be roller brush applied except as otherwise noted, evenly spread and in full finished work. Allow paint to dry for not less than ten (10) hours before the succeeding coat is applied.

  5. Finish with “Boysen” flatwall enamel paint over a smooth base.


  1. All existing/remaining Ceiling Joist/hanger made of wood and plywood must be remove at the expense of the contractor.

  2. Should there be damages on existing tiles or on painted walls that occurred on the course of
    work, the contractor shall be responsible for the repair without any expense from Philmech.

Activity Venue Schedule
Submission of Bids: PHilMech Main Office February 4, 2011 at 10:00am